Hotties that can Handle the Heat

It’s summer in Florida. That means the weather is in the 90 + degree range. Add some of our humidity, and it feels like over 100 + degrees!

If your house is on the market this time of year, you definitely need to be aware of the weather. For us Floridians this means the grass needs to be watered and mowed regularly; we need to take care of weeds that tend to grow everywhere; and if we want to put out some flowering plants, we need to pick the ones that can handle this heat.

Thanks to the knowledgeable people at my local landscape nursery, I found 3 beauties that thrive in this weather.

Angelonias, Marigolds and Periwinkles

Angelonias Marigolds Periwinkles

All three of these flowering beauties like full sun, can bear this heat and just need to be watered every 2-3 days.

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